Title: The Legend of Kyrandia (Complete Series) Genre(s): Adventure – Point-and-click – Fantasy Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: January 2, 1992, January 2, 1993, January 2, 1994 Company: Westwood Studios / Electronic Arts


How to Download & Install: Kyrandia is a land of dark, mysterious forests, and sleeping dragons. A fantastic land where rubies grow on trees and magic abounds. Who would imagine that a land so idyllic would spawn a murderer so demented? Some say that the court jester, Malcolm, was mad to begin with. Others whisper in sly, conspiratorial tones that it was his burning desire to possess the precious Kyragem that slowly drove him to slay the peaceful King William. As the rightful prince of Kyrandia, you must pursue the elusive Malcolm to recover the powerful gemstone. Only then will you be able to reclaim the throne and restore harmony to the land of Kyrandia. The Legend of Kyrandia awaits you! – A true classic – this forgotten gem from the early 90s is a must-have for every adventure game fan! – Four chapters of progressively more challenging quests that will have you casting spells, searching strangely-lit caverns, collecting gemstones, and chasing down leprechauns. – Bewitching scenery, smartly written dialogues, and atmospheric music will make your visit to Kyrandia unforgettable. The land of Kyrandia is disappearing piece by piece and you are the offbeat, young mystic who must voyage to the center of the world to break the curse and save it. Your surreal journey will twist even the sharpest of minds. Traveling through a vast, weirdly beautiful terrain, you must concoct potions, cast spells and lure the help of some very bizarre inhabitants to uncover the secrets that doom Kyrandia. Crafty Kyrandian veterans from the first Fables & Fiends adventure, The Legend of Kyrandia, may recognize their favorite land of giant frogs, talking trees and really strange berries. But this isn’t just the same old Kyrandia! Challenging puzzles, new characters, and lots of self-conscious wisecracks from our heroine make Hand of Fate more challenging than it’s predecessor. – Return to the whimsical land of Kyrandia where giant frogs, talking trees, and other equally strange denizens make their home! – The State of Mind System enables you and over 50 characters to change your mind, mood and mayhem based on preceding events. – Solve puzzles, encounter side-quests! Kyrandia is a much bigger world than before, yes, even while disappearing for no apparent reason! A perceived villain almost never gets to tell his or her side of the story. In the third and final book of the Kyrandia series, we’ll finally discover Malcom’s take on the events that have transpired in the first game. Prepare for the ends of the Earth with swim fins – As there’s two sides to every story, now’s your chance to experience Kyrandia from Malcom’s perspective. – Click on everything, talk to everyone, pick up what’s not nailed down, there’s no clunky interface holding you back and getting in your way. – Puzzles that challenge your brain. Can you solve them without reaching for a walkthrough? – Control Malcolm’s personality and speech with the patented Moodometer. Will you be nice or lie your socks off?

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